Friday, December 5, 2008

Rush of The Holidays

Throughout the year, sometimes we all become so busy that it is hard to just stop and enjoy life. Whether it is work, school, or just life it can often be overwhelming.

That is one thing that I enjoy about the holidays. Things seem to slow down a bit and I am finally able to relax some. It is nice to be able to have some time to do things other than school work. Spending time with my family is on the top of that list.

Above anything else tradition comes into play around the holidays. Ever since I can remember, the entire month of December my mom and I would watch all of the classic Christmas cartoons and claymations that they show on TV. That is something I look forward to all year because I know it is time we can spend together, no matter what else might be going on. Seeing the old movies always makes my day a little better because there are so many memories that come along with them.

When life becomes hectic, traditions can truly be a blessing. Even if things are not going great, little things can become something that will make your bad day turn around.

This holiday season, above anything else, spend time with the ones you love. One thing that I have learned this year is that, although some things go away, the people you love and care about most will always be there for you.

(Sorry for not updating sooner! Here's a cool video...just make sure to turn your sound on. )


Anonymous said...

Great post! Enjoyed the video, too :o)

Anonymous said...

well if you hadn't run Ryan over in the endzone, maybe you wouldn't be so sore lol
