Sunday, November 23, 2008

Woman's American Studies Project.

Ahh, this is not a new blog....that will come a little later tonight hopefully. BUT I just finished my speech and I decided to post it on here to see if it is any good. Comments please? I would be forever grateful! Keep in mind...I am supposed to be talking to Congress in 1917. :]


Our country has been built upon revolutions and protests. There have been Women’s Suffrage movements for decades. The male population has mistreated women for generations.

The founding fathers of this country spoke of equality. Abraham Lincoln once said: “Ours is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Fifty years after those words were said Woodrow Wilson proclaimed to the world: “We are fighting for the things which we have always carried nearest to our hearts: for democracy, for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their own government.”

The famous quote: “Taxation without representation is tyranny.” Holds truth even in this situation today. Women are being taxed but we have no representation. New immigrants are allowed into this country every day and they HAVE representation but yet women, who have been here their entire lives, cannot? Women who teach young men everything they know, women who interpret law, women who work in our hospitals…do not have any representation in this country. In what way is that equality?

Did you know that there are 13 states where NO suffrage for women exists, and 14 others that suffrage for women is more limited than in foreign countries?

Did you stop to think when a man tells a woman to take her case to the state you in turn sending us to BEG men who, in some cases, cannot even read for OUR political freedom? You send women who have an education and are refined to do this.

Both political parties alike have said that they “supported” women’s suffrage but then once elected…you do not support it any longer. Instead of fighting against us…. fight with us. If a party put this amendment through legislation and we were able to vote…you would have more votes for YOUR party.

This country has a saying: “United We Stand, Divided We Fall.” The case of women’s suffrage is dividing the country. Coming together, the United States of America would be much better off if we were UNITED not DIVIDED.

Woman suffrage is a reality. It is coming. Will you, Honorable Senators and Members of the House of Representatives, help or Hinder it?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

just DO it.

First off, youth tonight was absolutely amazing. Pastor Ben is a great youth minister and he is getting better and better as he goes on. "Made for a Mission" really opened my eye up to a few things. And this came to my mind....

Have you ever procrastinated so much that something NEVER gets done? I have, and the results are not pretty. I'm sure everyone else gets everything done WHEN it needs to get done. Right?

Well, let's just say that we should be more willing to do something and SHOW people what we are made of rather than putting everything off until the last second. Wouldn't you rather get something done ahead of time and then relax? Or are you the person who waits until the last possible time and then gets it done almost perfectly? Either way, I am sure we could set an example.

When it comes to going to church, many people do it. If you take a closer look though, how many of those people are just putting on appearances? Are they really showing WHAT being a Christian is? Or are they just putting on their fight face and showing up just to look good to others?

Get out there, SHOW the world the truth. Don't let them believe the stereotypes that are out there. BE kind to them, LOVE them, SHARE the word. But most of all....

Just do it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Fresh Start

This year has been full of ups and downs for me. I can honestly say that it has been one of the toughest years I have experienced thus far. From engagements to funerals, I have been a part of it this year. This past year has been a trying time for me but also a time to learn lessons that I can take on in my life later on.

Many people my age are trying to find their role in the world but for me that is not the case. Mostly. I have been lucky enough to know what I want to pursue as a career after high school. And as for life now, I am grateful to be a part of a church that is growing and doing some amazing things in this community. Crossroads has an amazing leadership team that really is a blessing to have in my life. They have definitely made this past year easier to get through.

2008 has definitely been a year to remember so far. It has been a time of new beginnings and now, a close to something that was special to me. It has been a time of remembrance and a time of moving on. It has been a time of making new friends and letting old one's go. Most of all, this past year has been a time of growing up.

What I am trying to say is this...throughout this year I have learned many things. Through disappointment and success I have learned what it means to finally get what you have been striving to reach for as well as being able to take the risk of failure. Both of which are a part of life.

Throughout all of the ups and downs, just hold on and keep riding the roller coaster that is called life. The journey is worth the risks you have to take. Today, talk to someone you know about Christ. You never know, you could be the difference in someone never hearing the truth or not.